Oracle JDeveloper
ADF Business Component
By Default Entity Object creates 5 history column. We can include a new history attribute if required, in Entity Object creation. Open the below dialog from Tools > Preferences. 0 to 10 TypeID are reserved for internal use.
We can create a new History column TypeID starting from 11 to 127. Trying to create with Type Id=6 gives below error "The History Type Id....for internal use".
ADF Business Component
By Default Entity Object creates 5 history column. We can include a new history attribute if required, in Entity Object creation. Open the below dialog from Tools > Preferences. 0 to 10 TypeID are reserved for internal use.
We can create a new History column TypeID starting from 11 to 127. Trying to create with Type Id=6 gives below error "The History Type Id....for internal use".