Sunday, September 17, 2023

Change the Default Application Directory in JDeveloper and

Just for my note, I want to change the Default Application Creation Directory while clicking 'New Application' menu in Application Navigator in JDeveloper.

Edit Applications.xml file at C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system12.\o.jdeveloper like below.

Update <workDirectory path> with your desired directory.

<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<system nselem="system" class="oracle.ide.model.IdeSystem" xmlns="">
   <listOfChildren class="oracle.ide.model.DataList">
      <Item class="oracle.ide.model.Workspaces">
         <activeProjectMap class="java.util.HashMap"/>
         <listOfChildren class="oracle.ide.model.DataList"/>
         <workDirectory path="/D:/JDeveloper/mywork/"/>
      <Item class="oracle.ide.model.Connections"/>
      <preferencesMap class="java.util.HashMap">
            <Value class="" path="DefaultWorkspace/Project1.jpr"/>
            <Value class="" path="DefaultWorkspace/DefaultWorkspace.jws"/>



Full Functional Workaround For Failing in Integrated WebLogic Server in JDeveloper

As Already referenced in my earlier post about a workaround for Failing script in Windows 11, here is a fully working workaround. It does start/stop IntegratedWLS from IDE as well as controlling the Deployment of Application and launching the Browser. 

The Idea is that copy the Existing Working Setup from Different Machine to New Machine.In My case, I have a running IntegratedWLS Setup in Windows7 64 Bit Machine which is running on below Ports -

Host -

User/Pwd - weblogic/weblogic1

Port - 7101, 7102(SSL)

My Target Machine is Windows 11 64 Bit where I am going to paste the System Folder of JDeveloper from Windows 7. However, Key note is that in your Target Machine, installation Folder of JDeveloper + Logged in User Folder should be same of Windows 7 b'coz DefaultDomain References some of the Libraries in Installation Folder. 

To copy existing settings -

1. Installation Folder in Windows 11 would be same. Since 'DefaultDomain' references libraries in JDeveloper Installation Folder.E.g. Windows 7 Installation Folder - 'D:\Middleware-11-1-2-3', so Windows 11 installation would be in 'D:\Middleware-11-1-2-3'

2.Logged-in User in Windows 7 should also be same of Windows 11. Since I had different logged-in user in Windows7, so I created same logged-in user of Windows 11 in Windows7.In Windows7 I created 'user' from Control Panel > User Accounts(same password also with Administrator Rights). Logged-in with 'user' in Win7, open JDeveloper, here JDeveloper will ask to copy settings from old installation, select 'No' and it will create new 'system11.' Folder under 'user'.Note here my new logged in user name is 'user', so a 'user' folder will be created on FileSystem.

3.Still being in Win7, in JDeveloper, open 'ApplicationServer' Navigator. Create a 'DefaultDomain' by inputing below Details. I had totally changed Ports in new IntegratedWLS Setup.

I have kept 'weblogic/weblogic1' credentials same that was in old setup in Win7 running on 7101,7102 Ports, although I think it's not needed.As mentioned already, I changed the Ports to 7601,7602 in new setup in Win7.


4.Once Default Domain Creation under 'user' done in Win7, close JDeveloper.

5.Copy the 'system11.' from Win7 from 'user' folder path. This is my path of system folder in Win7 under 'user' - 'C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.'

6.Log-in to Win11 with 'user'. Close JDeveloper if it open.

7.If you have already System Folder Created in Win11, delete it. Paste the copied system folder at 'C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper' in Win11.

8.Open the JDeveloper, you should able to see that IntegratedWLS created and configured correctly.

9.Now it's time to run the WLS and it is started/stopped successfully.

10.Now Open any ADF Application and Try to run the JSPX Page, it should Trigger the Running of WLS and should open the Browser.

So, this workaround is Fully Functional.

Screengrab from Win 11 -

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Workaround for Error For IntegratedWebLogic Server

When Trying to Install JDeveloper in Windows 11 64 Bit Environment, installation was successful but Creation of IntegratedWebLogic was Failing. execution was not going correctly.

Certification Matrix Link -

Error Log not giving any exact detail about the Error.Below is the Log output.

Log File:      C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.\o.j2ee.adrs\CreateDefaultDomain.log
Label:         JDEVADF_11.
Product Home:  C:\Middleware11123\jdeveloper\jdev\
Domain:        C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.\DefaultDomain

"C:\Middleware11123\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd" "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.\o.j2ee.adrs\"
Process started
Elapsed time:  32 ms

Decided to try a workaround for installing of IntegratedWLS.The Idea was to install WLS10.3.5 separately and create a WLS connection from IDE. For Deployment of any application, WAR/EAR files need to upload through IDE in WLS.

Open Quick Start from JDeveloper Installation Menu.


Select 'Start Admin Server' and click 'Done' to start the Web Logic Instance.

Since I had already base_domain created, to avoid any conflict and overwriting the installation, 'base_domain' name changed to 'base_domain_test'. I had already created one 'base_domain' earlier.
I will be using original 'base_domain' in rest of the Screengrab.

While keeping the AdminServer Running Switch to JDeveloper IDE.


Port, SSL Port, base_domain should be same as it was created in WLS Instance.

From JDeveloper Project Menu, select 'Deploy' and Select your Application for further deployment.

Note that Triggering of Automatic Application in browser is not going to happen, so manually open the browser and hit the URL shown in log. For Example - http://localhost:7001/slider/faces/ImageSliderPage.jspx

One Reference from this Link is also workable but after successful installation of WLS, JDeveloper do not know that Integrated WLS is created. In short, even WLS is get started, application deployment cycle is not taken care by JDeveloper IDE. 

A Fully Functional Post about same Topic is here.