Saturday, June 23, 2012

Start Production Weblogic Server Automatically When Server Machine Starts.

In this post I am going to explain, how you can configure Production Weblogic Server Machine to start weblogic services, automatically when Administrator logs-in. The same you can achieve when only machine
starts, but you would not able to see command window when you get logged-in.

Weblogic Production Server - (11g)
Server Machine OS - Windows Server 2008 SP1 64 Bit , Intel Xeon Processors (2)

1.  Logged into your server machine.

2.  Check the location of startWebLogic.cmd command script at 'C:\Oracle\Middleware3
     \user_projects\domains\sbgom\bin\' according to your filesystem.

3.  Anywhere in your filesystem create a .bat file & name as 'weblogicAutoStart'. Explicitly check the
     .bat extension by looking properties of file.

4.  In the batch file write start /min %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /k"C:\Oracle\Middleware3
     \user_projects\domains\sbgom\bin\startWebLogic.cmd" & Save.

5.  Note the /min parameter is only to start command window in minimized mode. You can remove if dont

6.  Now you can invoke this bat file when Admin logs-in by Windows Task Scheduler.

7.  Open the Task Scheduler from Administrative Tools in Control Panel.

8.  In the Task Scheduler right click to Create Task. In the Wizard dialog, in Name field of General Tab give
     an appropriate task name like 'WebLogicAutoStart'.

9.  In the Trigger Tab click New button. Select At Logon from dropdown & choose Specific User or 
     Group radio button.

10.In the Actions Tab, click New button & select Start A Program from dropdown in Edit Action dialog.

11.Click Browse button to locate your bat file & Press OK & OK. Its done.