Windows 7 Enterprise
Oracle JDeveloper
This post is about to show the steps involved to edit the Dynamic Tab Shell Layout (DynamicTabShell.jspx) page in Jdev11g-ADF.
1. Goto this location C:\Oracle\Middleware11g\jdeveloper\adfv\jlib, according to your installation folder.
2. Create a folder CUSTOMIZATION.
3. Open CMD command promt.
4. Navigate to 'C:\Oracle\Middleware11g\jdeveloper\adfv\jlib\CUSTOMIZATION' by CD command.
5. Execute in CMD 'C:\>jar xf oracle-page-templates-ext.jar'. Your JDK should be
registered in PATH variable under Environment Variables in your machine.
Command Prompt should return with no errors. IF necessary you can put exact path of
'oracle-page-templates-ext.jar' .
6. Now, navigate by windows explorer
7. While opening Jdev already, double click to open 'dynamicTabShell.jspx' in IDE.
8. Now, you are ready to Edit the template page as per your need. Main requirement is to decrease the
bottom space in page. You can also edit other things.
9. After editing Save the file & Close from IDE.
10.Now, its time to re-package all the extracted files. Navigate to 'CUSTOMIZATION' folder in CMD.
11.Type 'jar cfM0 oracle-page-template.jar *'. [0~Zero]
12.This will create a 'oracle-page-template.jar' packaged file containing edited jspx file & others, in same
13.Copy 'oracle-page-template.jar' file & paste in 'C:\Oracle\Middleware11g\jdeveloper\adfv\jlib' or under
middleware installation directory.
14.Now, you can use this jar file in your project to use edited dynamicTabShell.jspx.
15.By default your project will be using 'Oracle Extended Page Templates' reference with
'oracle-page-templates-ext.jar' file from path 'C:\Oracle\Middleware11g\jdeveloper\adfv\jlib'.
16.Open your Application.jws, right click 'ViewController > Properties > Libraries & Classpath'.
17.Remove the 'Oracle Extended Page Templates' in the Classpath Entries.
18.Add 'oracle-page-template.jar' from 'C:\Oracle\Middleware11g\jdeveloper\adfv\jlib', by
clicking 'Add/Jar directory'.
19.Click OK & run application to see new changes in template page & you done !
Be careful, when you take these source project files in other machine. You should also ship
'oracle-page-template.jar' & save in that machine & re-register in Classpath Entries with exact path.