Wednesday, February 9, 2022

How to Create Multiple Virtual Server and Install Word-Press in QNAP QTS


A QNAP NAS can have Multiple Virtual Server running on same IP and Port. Different Port can also given. Open 'Web Server' from Control Panel. Your 'Web Server' must be enabled and running as shown below.

Click 'Virtual Host' tab and click 'Enable Virtual Host', then click 'Create a Virtual Host'.

Give the 'Host Name' as 'TestSite1' (No Quotes).

Select 'Root Directory' as your Install Folder. Create 'TestSite1' Folder manually in File System before choosing the folder in 'Root Directory'.

Choose 'Protocol' HTTP and 'Port Number' 80. Click 'APPLY'.


Unzip the Download. Copy all unzipped files and paste into 'TestSite1' Folder.

Create a different database for 'TestSite1' as TestSite1' if you want a separate database for each virtual server, otherwise skip this step.

Run the Word-Press URL in Browser - http://NAS-IP/TestSite1 to complete the Word-Press installation. Provide the Database Name, Root User Name, Root Password for Database, Host and Prefix etc. Finish the Installation and access login url by - http://NAS-IP/TestSite1/wp-login.php




Tuesday, February 8, 2022

WordPress Folder Not Visible in QNAP NAS QTS Version


Installation Folder for WordPress 5.8.2 does not appear after installation from App Center.
By Default WordPress Folder should appear under '\\DataVol\Web\WordPress'.

Remove the WordPress 5.8.2.
Then WordPress can be used as an alternate solution. The Zip Version can be downloaded via WordPress older release ( Installing WordPress from Zip is little different than QNAP Link ( .

QNAP Link -  (You need to Provide Correct QTS Version 4.5.3~4.5.4 to get WordPress QPKG)

I will continue here QPKG Download. Unzip the Zip file downloaded from QNAP.
Open 'Install Manually' from App Center. Locate your QPKG file and Click 'INSTALL'.
Once Installation done, check for the WordPress Folder under '\\DataVol\Web' in your NAS.
